8 Ways To Support LGBTQ+ Youth: Tips and Insights

Supporting LGBTQ+ youth requires education, empathy, and action. As an adult, you can play a crucial role in creating a safe and accepting environment for LGBTQ+ youth.

Our LGBTQ+ youth face unique challenges that can make their lives difficult. They may experience discrimination, bullying, and harassment from their peers, family members, and even strangers. This can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety. As an adult, you can play a crucial role in supporting LGBTQIA+ youth and helping them navigate these challenges. Here are some ways you can do that:

  1. Educate yourself: The first step in supporting LGBTQ+ youth is to educate yourself about the issues they face. This includes understanding the terminology, the challenges they face, and the resources available to them. You can read books, watch documentaries, attend workshops, and talk to experts in the field to gain a better understanding of the issues. A great resource for LGBTQ+ resources in Hong Kong is provided by Inclusivity Hong Kong, a 100% student-run organization.
  2. Examine your own attitudes: examining your own attitudes and feelings about members of the LGBTQ+ community can help you become more aware of any biases or prejudices you may hold. Counselling can help you to identify any negative beliefs or stereotypes and work to challenge or change them. This can help you become a more accepting and supportive ally to the community and help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all. 
  3. Create a safe space: LGBTQ+ youth need a safe space where they can be themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination. As an adult, you can create such a space by being open and accepting of their identity. You can also advocate for safe spaces in schools, community centres, and other public places. 
  4. Listen and validate: LGBTQ+ youth often feel unheard and invalidated. As an adult, you can listen to their stories, validate their experiences, and offer support. This can help them feel seen and heard and can also help them build resilience.
  5. Be an ally: Being an ally means standing up for LGBTQ+ youth and advocating for their rights. This can include speaking out against discrimination, supporting LGBTQ organizations, and educating others about the issues. You can also be an ally by using inclusive language and challenging stereotypes.
  6. Connect them with resources: LGBTQ+ youth may need access to resources such as counselling, support groups, and medical care. As an adult, you can connect them with these resources and help them navigate the system. You can also provide them with information about LGBTQ+ organizations and events in their community.
  7. Support their families: LGBTQ+ youth often face rejection and hostility from their families. As an adult, you can support their families by educating them about the issues, providing resources, and advocating for acceptance. You can also offer support to the youth themselves by being a positive role model and providing a safe space.
  8. Celebrate diversity: Finally, it’s important to celebrate diversity and promote acceptance. This can include attending LGBTQ+ events, supporting LGBTQ+ artists and performers, and promoting diversity in your own life. Celebrating diversity can help create a more inclusive and accepting society for LGBTQ+ youth.

Supporting LGBTQ+ youth requires education, empathy, and action. As an adult, you can play a crucial role in creating a safe and accepting environment for LGBTQ+ youth. By listening, validating, and advocating for their rights, you can help them navigate the challenges they face and build resilience.

Pride Month is a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and promote acceptance and equality. It’s a time to recognize the struggles and challenges that members of the community experience. Momentum Counselling provides a safe space for all and one of our goals is to continuously educate ourselves about how to be supportive ad effective allies to members of the LGBTQ+ community and their families.